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LG microwave repairs in Durban

aeg microwave repair

LG microwave repairs - Durban

Your LG microwave is not working? Don't worry, we can help! We are a team of experienced LG microwave repair technicians in Durban, and we can fix your microwave quickly and affordably.

  1. Keep it clean: often  clean the inside and outside of your microwave. You may use a mild detergent and a damp cloth to wipe the interior and exterior of the microwave.

  2. Use microwave-safe dishes: be sure to use only microwave-safe dishes and containers in your LG microwave. Avoid using metal or aluminum foil in your microwave as they can cause arcing and damage the appliance.   

  3. Don’t run it empty: Running your LG microwave when it’s empty can damage the magnetron, which is the part that generates the microwaves. Make sure to always have food or liquid in the microwave when you run it.

  4. Don’t slam the door: Avoid slamming the door of your LG microwave as it can damage the door and the latch mechanism.

  5. Check for damage: If you notice any damage to the door, seals, or other parts of your LG microwave, stop using it immediately and have it serviced by a qualified technician.